Sunday, September 21, 2014

72 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

72 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

22 Sep 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 08:46 PM PST

Book / Document: 
Barbara Anslow's diary
Date of events described: 
Tue, 1942-09-22

Notice says International Red Cross are sponsoring a moving picture to be taken of life in the camp.

It was said that some planes which came over today (I'd heard them) made a 'V' formation, and that they exhaust-piped a 'V' in the sky, and that they dropped pamphlets.  ((I hadn't seen any))

Spent rest of our money on tomato ketchup and sugar.  I got rubber sandals from Welfare.

Mabel snowed under with re-knitting (unravelled) baby clothes ((for new camp babies.))

Lecture on 'Africa' by Dr McLeod  ((whose little boy had been 'blown-up'))

22 Sep 1942, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Posted: 30 Aug 2012 07:19 AM PDT

Book / Document: 
R. E. Jones Wartime diary
Date of events described: 
Tue, 1942-09-22

9 planes flew over during the afternoon E to W & a string of floaters was released was release (sic) from one of them that formed the letter "V".

Drs making out petition re repatriation.

News received very good if true. Solomon Isles back in our hands. New Guinea almost relieved of Japs. San Francisco tells us that war in Far East will be finished in 80 days. (8th Dec). Berlin in flames. Bremen smashed up, Rommel can get no more supplies. Battle for Stalingrad very severe & the Germans, although entering the City sometimes, are promptly driven out again. Japs gradually withdrawing to China Coast consolidating their lines.

22 Sep 1942, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 07:50 AM PDT

Book / Document: 
Eric MacNider's wartime diary
Date of events described: 
Tue, 1942-09-22

Dr. Macleod "African Memories"

(X) Medical repatriation list for signatures.

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