Tuesday, October 7, 2014

鼓勵同學投稿「創作獎勵計劃2014/15」Encourage Students to Write for ‘eWorks Award Scheme’




創作獎勵計劃2014/15」(小學組)分三期舉行,第一期為即日起至2015年1月,第二期為2015年 2月至5月,新增設的第三期由2015年 6月至8月舉行,好讓小學生在暑假期間能繼續創作。同學毋須報名,只需於計劃期內以香港教育城學生戶口於平台投稿。投稿次數不限,創作類別包括:「主題寫作」、「散文隨筆」、「圖文創作」及「閱讀隨筆」,請鼓勵學生踴躍投稿,一起推動校園的創作風氣!



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香港教育城 謹啟



8 October, 2014

Dear Principals and Teachers,

Encourage Students to Write for ‘eWorks Award Scheme’

'eWorks Award Scheme 2014/15' has started! 'eWorks', an online submission platform for primary students, regularly launches its 'eWorks Award Scheme' to encourage students to share their creative writings and drawings. The Scheme provides a unique opportunity for them not only to exchange experience with peers, but also to improve their writing skills with professional advices from our judges who are scholars and writers.

'eWorks Award Scheme 2014/15' (Primary School Section) will be launched in 3 phases. In addition to the first phase from now to January 2015 and the second from February to May 2015, a third phase from June to August 2015 is newly introduced this year to enhearten students to keep on writing during summer vacation. No registration is needed. Students can submit entries of different Categories, namely, Theme-based Writing, Essay, Illustration Writing and Book Review, through their HKEdCity's account here. No limit is set for number of submission. Please encourage your students to participate and write more!

In each phase, the Scheme has several rewards per category in recognition of outstanding works of students, namely, ‘The Champion’, ‘The First Runner-up’, and ‘The Second Runner-up’. Moreover, for the whole Primary School Section, there are three ‘The Most Popular Work Awards’ and one ‘Active Participation Award for Student’. The school with most number of students participating shall receive ‘Active Participation Award for School’ too. Winners will be awarded a certificate and book gift vouchers while their winning works will be published as eBook(s) at our newly-launched ‘EdBookShelf'. Please click here to know more.   

For Theme-based Writing, there is one special theme for each phase and the first one is ‘Care For Animals’, thus topic of writing is‘Make friends with Animals’. With this theme, we aim at drawing students’ attention to animal-related issues such as animal rights and human-animal relationships. A seminar will be held in mid-November with sharing of animal protection stories by WWF-Hong Kong, and writing techniques teaching by renowned authors. More information of the Seminar will be coming soon.      

The web contents are in Chinese only. Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at 2624 1000 or email us at info@hkedcity.net.

Yours faithfully,
Hong Kong Education City

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