Tuesday, April 14, 2015

專家灼見 盡在教師電視 Experts’ Insights into Education on Teacher TV


專家灼見 盡在教師電視



講者:哈佛大學Chris Dede教授




學校教育:培育領袖 建構可持續發展的未來(英語)




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香港教育城 謹啟

15 April 2015

Dear Principals and Teachers,

Experts’ Insights into Education on Teacher TV

Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity)’s Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) 2014 invited local as well as overseas education experts to share insights into various aspects in education. Videos of the Expo seminars are now available on Teacher TV (TTV). Please click here to view. Some of the highlights are:

Education Policy and Trend: Global Horizon and Future Perspective

A Vision of Life-Wide, Life-Long Learning: the US National Educational Technology Plan (English)
Speaker: Professor Chris Dede (Harvard's Graduate School of Education)
Content: Discuss the development and impact of the U.S. 2010 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) in which its vision of 21st century learning and teaching has shaped the evolution of learning technologies both in the US and across the world

The New Era of Education Big Data (Cantonese)
Speaker: Dr. Fok Wai Tung, Wilton (HKU)
Content: More learning activities are now conducted online. A powerful web-based platform is therefore important to collect meaningful information on students’ performances, determine question difficulty levels and gather distribution statistics from a massive bank of raw data.

School Administration and Development: Leadership and Management

Quality School Education: Change, Innovation and Management (Cantonese)
Speaker: Professor Pang Sun Keung, Nicholas (CUHK)
Content: Review the development of school education reform in Hong Kong, analyse the dynamics and complexity of change of schools, and what effects will be brought by different strategies

Schools Educating Leaders for a Sustainable Future (English)
Speaker: Br. Steve Hogan (La Salle College)
Content: Discuss how to nurture a leader for a sustainable future

Learning Support

Sharing of Game-based Learning in Classroom (Cantonese)
Speaker: Mr Ding Ho Yin (The Salvation Army Lam Butt Chung Memorial School)
Content: Share the experience of how to let students experience simple programming by creating their own games through a free software

‘Whole School Approach’ for Learning Diversity (Cantonese)
Speaker: Mr. Ng Tat Yan and Mr. Chan Chi Tat (Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School)
Content: Talk about how to take care of students with different learning needs through adaptation strategies for curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methods, assessment and other aspects

Enjoy the TTV videos now simply by logging in with your HKEdCity account using any browser and device. Should you have any queries, please contact us on (852) 2624 1000 or email us at info@hkedcity.net.

Best wishes,
Hong Kong Education City

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