Tuesday, May 12, 2015

齊來成就學生創作之路 Let's Nurture Students' Writing Talent





此外,「創作獎勵計劃」第二期快將於5月31日(星期日)結束,教城誠邀  貴校鼓勵學生把握機會,向小作家之路繼續邁進,將作品投稿至「創作天地」網上平台。稿件的題目、內容、字數及投稿次數皆不限,且計劃更設有多個獎項,獎品豐富,得獎作品亦有機會結集成電子書出版。詳情請瀏覽「創作天地」網頁。


如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 2624 1000 或電郵 info@hkedcity.net與教城聯絡。


香港教育城 謹啟

13 May, 2015

Dear Principals and Teachers,

Let's Nurture Students' Writing Talent

Passion for creativity will grow if students are motivated by recognition and encouragement. It will be even more inspiring if their creative works can be published. ‘eWorks’ of Hong Kong Education City works with schools closely to pave a way for students to be young writers. 

Winning works of the first phase for eWorks Award Scheme 2014/15 have been published as an eBook entitled “eWorks Award Scheme: Winning Entries 1” on ‘EdBookShelf’. The eBook consists of the outstanding creative works from both secondary schools and primary schools, which are categorised into stories, essays, poems, illustration writing, book reviews and theme-based writing. Commentaries from our professional judge panel of authors and teachers are also included in each works, in order to guide students to learn from the award-winning elements.

The second phase of eWorks Award Scheme will end on 31 May (Sunday). Please encourage your students to grasp this chance to become young writers by submitting their works in various categories at eWorks platform. There are no limits on topics, words and number of submissions. Several rewards with fabulous prizes will be awarded to the winners while winning works may be published as an eBook. Click here to know more.   

A brand new ‘eWorks’ platform will be launched in mid-June with special features to facilitate students to be young writers and assist teachers to know students’ performance. In the upcoming new platform, students can create their own writer’s profile and issue serial works. We will keep you informed of the latest.

The web contents are in Chinese only. Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at 2624 1000 or email us at info@hkedcity.net.

Best wishes,
Hong Kong Education City  

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