Tuesday, June 9, 2015

誠邀參與「香港教育城網站滿意度調查2015」 Satisfaction Survey on HKEdCity Website 2015




您的意見對教城非常重要,現誠邀 閣下參與調查,完成一份需時約10至15分鐘的網上問卷。請於722日(星期三)或以前按以下連結完成問卷:



是次調查收集所得的資料,只會用作研究及內部參考的用途。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2624 1000或電郵至info@hkedcity.net與教城聯絡。


香港教育城 謹啟

10 June 2015

Dear Principals and Teachers,

Satisfaction Survey on HKEdCity Website 2015

Thank you for using Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity)’s service. To understand users’ opinion towards HKEdCity website so as to provide better service, HKEdCity is now conducting the 'Satisfaction Survey on HKEdCity Website 2015'.

Your opinion is essential and valuable to us. We cordially invite you to complete an online questionnaire which only takes 10 to 15 minutes. Please submit on or before 22 July (Wednesday) by clicking the link below:

Click here to enter the survey

You may forward the survey to colleagues who have used HKEdCity’s service. Thank you for your participation and opinions!

The information collected from the survey will only be used for research and internal reference purposes. Should you have any queries, please contact us on (852) 2624 1000 or email us at info@hkedcity.net.

Best wishes,
Hong Kong Education City

以上訊息由香港教育城發出。如對此訊息內容有任何查詢,請電郵至 info@hkedcity.net 。如選擇不再收取教城資訊,請傳真至2624 1088或電郵至 unsubscribe@hkedcity.net 登記取消。
This email is sent from Hong Kong Education City Limited. For any enquiries, please email to info@hkedcity.net. Should you prefer not to receive any promotional emails from us, please fax your request to 2624 1008 or email to unsubscribe@hkedcity.net.

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