Slow Down To Make The Most Of Every Moment |
面對生活壓力,想要快樂識放,不妨由放慢腳步開始。漫步於太古城中心,你將可以用5感細細體會生活中的簡單美好,原來LIVE HAPPY的小確幸就在身邊! |
How do you deal with stress and live a happy life? Maybe the first step is taking things a bit slower! At Cityplaza, you can use your five senses to experience the simple beauty of life, and discover hints about how to LIVE HAPPY all around you! |
| 快樂 5 感 Happiness with 5 Senses | | |
細看細聽細心感受,發掘不一樣的精彩體驗,全身投入快樂識放之旅盡在太古城中心。 | Open your eyes, ears and mind to new experiences as you embark on the LIVE HAPPY journey at Cityplaza. |
| 踏上「快樂旅程」,以聲音導賞方式帶你重新認識熟悉的地方,發現生活中有趣的細微角落。 | With HAPPY NAVIGATION's audio-guided tours, you can rediscover the familiar surroundings and create new encounters around every corner! | | | |
| 來到中庭,色彩繽紛的彩帶從高處垂下,猶如數十條彩虹在頭頂劃過,點亮你一天的好心情! | At the atrium, flamboyant strips of fabric stream like rainbows overhead to lighten your mood! | | | |
| 想尋找觸得到的快樂,在太古城中心冰上皇宮,你可親身體驗真雪溜冰 的無窮樂趣。 | Feel the crisp air across your skin and the thrill of action as you skate across the ice at Cityplaza Ice Palace. | | | |
| 從細緻花香到清爽淡香,L'OCCITANE護膚產品的迷人香氣,為你帶來令人愉悅放鬆的感官享受。 | From delicate floral notes to refreshing scents, let the aromatic skincare products of L'OCCITANE help you relax. | | | |
| 到ABC Cooking Studio打卡DIY手作美食,你還可與摯愛親朋一同品嚐,分享這份自製滋味。 | Cook with your own hands at ABC Cooking Studio and share the tasty DIY fun and photos with loved ones. | | | |
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