識放快樂能量 Release LIVE HAPPY Power |
Find the simple joy of life |
LIVE HAPPY快樂啟動,將歡笑傳遍每個角落!今個星期起,太古城中心不同商戶將與你分享快樂點滴,還會送上連串獨家優惠。今期先由充滿日式生活風格的APITA打頭陣,和你細訴樂活之道。 |
LIVE HAPPY to spread smiles and joy to every corner! Starting this week, Cityplaza tenants will share their stories of happiness together with amazing exclusive offers for you. APITA, a Japanese lifestyle department store, is the first to share their outlook with us. |
「我最享受能愉快地跟顧客交流更多日式樂活靈感。」- Carpo (APITA樂活空間) | "I enjoy sharing the inspirations of Japanese Well-Being and lifestyle with my customers." Carpo (APITA Well-Being Space) | 甫進APITA樂活空間,瞥見Carpo非常治癒的笑容,頓覺只要有她從旁協助,客人必能享受這舒適、優質的購物環境。 「從櫃台佈置,到介紹各種樂活靈感和產品,至與客人於工作坊交流,都讓我工作上感到滿足。」Carpo說道 | Once you step into APITA Well-Being Space, you will see Carpo with her hearty and healing smile. With her assistance, you can surely enjoy your time in such pleasant and high-quality shopping environment. "From arranging product display, to introducing Well-Being inspirations and products, and sharing our thoughts with customers in the workshops, they all make me feel contented while working," Carpo said. | | | |
| APITA賞你連串獨家優惠 Enjoy Exclusive APITA Offers | | |
快樂識分享,更要公諸同好!即日至8月19日期間,APITA樂活空間將送上以下優惠,凡出示此推廣電郵即可獨家尊享。 | Sharing with one person is good, but sharing with everyone is even better! From now till 19 August, enjoy the following exclusive offers at APITA's Well-Being Space when you present this promotion email. | | |
| 購買ONELIVINGS喜馬拉雅鹽燈「MADO系列」或「Loft 系列SPHERE」,可享8折優惠,讓你以滿滿力量迎接新一天! | Enjoy 20% off on ONELIVINGS Himalayan Salt Lamp MADO Edition and Loft Edition SPHERE. It's like a power-up to start a new day! | | | |
| 購買「HORfi簡約魚菜共生小居」,可享9折優惠,即使一邊養魚一邊種植都容易打理。 | Enjoy 10% off on a HORfi's Aquaponics Decoration, to mix fish-keeping and soil-free gardening with ease. | | | |
| 於APITA地下 的「樂活空間」單日消費滿HK$640(原本最低消費$800的8折),即可申請成為PITA Farmhouse會員。 | Join PITA Farmhouse after spending HK$640 (20% OFF, originally minimum spending of $800) or above in a single day at the APITA G/F Well-Being Space. | | | |
條款及細則 Terms and Conditions: | 1. 顧客必須出示此推廣電郵方可方換領本禮遇。 2. 此禮遇只適用於太古城中心分店。 3. 禮遇詳情請向店員查詢。 4. 如有任何爭議,以APITA之決定為準。 1. Customers must present this promotion email to enjoy the offers. 2. This offer is applicable to Cityplaza shop only. 3. For details, please contact shop staff. 4. In case of any dispute, APITA reserves the right of final decision. |
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