LIVE HAPPY without Borders Bringing laughter to everybody |
LIVE HAPPY笑聲由太古城中心傳遍香港!快樂識放「移動笑聲放送站」現正巡迴香港和九龍多區*,帶來全港首個「笑聲扭蛋機」,只要用笑聲就可扭出太古城中心商戶現金券、商店優惠券、野餐墊及露營充氣梳化等豐富獎賞,人人開心必中獎! |
We're taking Cityplaza's LIVE HAPPY joy to the streets of Hong Kong! Our roving truck with Hong Kong's first-ever "Laughter Gashapon" will visit different districts*. Laugh to start the machine and get an instant happy reward, including Cityplaza cash and merchant vouchers, picnic mats, foldable camping chairs and more – just by laughing out loud! |
活動日期 Date:7,8,14,15/8 活動地點:銅鑼灣、尖沙咀、 觀塘海濱花園及西九龍海濱長廊 Venue: Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kwun Tong Promenade and West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade | *地點及時間因應實際情況而定,確實資訊請留意活動當日之Facebook 及Instagram Story。 *The location and schedule subjected to actual situation. Please refer to our Facebook and Instagram Story on the event days. |
| 快樂工作坊 Happiness Exploration Workshops | | |
Join our Happiness Exploration Workshops Create your own happiness |
釋放創意,在「快樂工作坊」體驗DIY的樂趣!即日起,憑太古城中心指定商戶即日單次電子消費滿HK$800的單據,即可以報名參加以下工作坊,為生活注入心思,探索動手創作的快樂趣味! |
Unleash your creativity to enjoy DIY fun! Starting now, you can sign up for the following Happiness Exploration Workshops by spending HK$800 or more by electronic payment in a same-day single transaction at designated Cityplaza merchants. Fill your life with happiness made by your own hands! |
| 讓繽紛顏料在紙上恣意綻放,在色彩變幻之間,創作出獨一無二的大理石紋! | Let colours splash on paper and create your own unique marbling patterns! | | | |
| Dried Flower Candle Workshop | 用乾花製成蠟燭,留住鮮花的唯美瞬間,由滿滿的夢幻感點亮你的愉悅心情! | Capture the beauty of dried flowers as you make a dreamy candle that can lighten your mood! | | | |
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