想轉換心情,不妨出走戶外,親親大自然, 漫遊在港島的綠樹林蔭之間,來一次輕鬆自在的小旅行。 |
Relax and boost your mood by getting outside for a nature hike. Chill out with a pleasant stroll through the scenery of Hong Kong Island. |
要真正感受山林之美,最好就是到郊外走走。無論是行山、露營或戶外瑜伽, 出發前都要帶齊裝備和器具,太古城中心多間運動品牌店可滿足你的不同所需。 | |
The countryside is where everyone can experience the true beauty of nature. Whether you like to hike, camp or enjoy outdoor yoga, you’ll find the equipment you need at Cityplaza, from a range of sportswear brand stores you’ll love. | |
| 1/F, 133 | | |
| | G/F, 068 | | |
| G/F, 069A | | |
| | G/F, 034 | | |
港島東區有多條不同難度的山徑,無論你是行山新手或山野達人, 都可以找到合適的行山路線,沿途飽覽自然景觀之餘,還可尋訪古蹟和歷史建築。 | |
The Eastern District has hiking trails of various difficulty levels for newbies and experts alike. While exploring the amazing scenic views on the way, you also encounter heritage and historic buildings. | |
| 柏架山道 Mount Parker Road | | |
| 柏架山道屬簡易路線,途經被列為香港二級歷史建築的紅屋,沿鰂魚涌緩跑徑走,便到逹終點寶聯徑。 | This easy route passes the Woodside, a Grade II historic building, runs along Quarry Bay Jogging Trail and finishes at Po Luen Path. | | | |
| 紅香爐峰 Hung Heung Lo Fung | | | |
| 由畢拉山道出發,登上紅香爐峰可欣賞維港景觀,是觀賞日落的好去處。 | Starting on Mount Butler Road, you walk up Hung Heung Lo Fung, which offers good views overlooking Victoria Harbour and an ideal spot to watch the sunset. | | | |
| 砵甸乍山 Pottinger Peak | | |
| 從小西灣中央公園出發,循黑角徑直達燈塔,可觀賞藍塘海峽的自然風光。 | Leaving from park at Siu Sai Wan, walk along the Cape Collinson Path to reach a lighthouse with sweeping views of the Tathong Channel. | | | |
| 滋味大飽口福 Recharge with delicious fare | | |
放電玩樂過後,於太古城中心的餐廳探索各式滋味美食, 一家人齊齊吃頓豐富大餐,好好補充體力。 | |
After all that moving and sweating, explore an array of cuisines at Cityplaza and enjoy a sumptuous meal to energise you for the rest of your day. | |
| G/F, APITA | | |
| | G/F, 007 | | |
| 3/F, 312 | | |
| | G402-03, 元宮閣 Yuan Kung Mansion | | |
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