Monday, January 30, 2023

Gleneagles Connect #35

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Gleneagles' telemedicine initiatives during COVID-19 bag Hong Kong Business Management Excellence Award
Gleneagles rings in 2023 with the winning of the COVID Management Initiative of The
Year – 
Healthcare category in the Hong Kong Business Management Excellence Awards. The accolade is granted for Gleneagles' multi-pronged approach and telemedicine initiatives implemented to support the community during the COVID-19 pandemic while helping to relieve the burden on the public healthcare system.
🔎Learn more about the award-winning initiative

港怡醫院最近榮獲Hong Kong Business Magazine頒發「Hong Kong Business Management Excellence Awards 2022」的「COVID Management Initiative of The Year – Healthcare category」,以表揚本院於疫情期間多管齊下積極應對、支援市民的醫療需要,推出遙距會診服務,為未能親身前往求診的市民提供高質素及適切的治療,同時協助減輕公營醫療系統的壓力。
Gleneagles wins the People Sustainability Award – Category of "People" in JobsDB – The Hong Kong HR Awards 2022/23 for its outstanding effort in making the hospital a conducive work place and contributing to the sustainable development of healthcare professionals.

Striving to "Care. For Good.", we put in place multi-pronged talent management initiatives which include providing professional training programmes and cross-market job opportunities, running comprehensive occupational safety and health programmes, and embracing a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. 

港怡榮獲JobsDB頒發「The Hong Kong HR Awards 2022/23」的「People Sustainability Award – Category of "People"」,以表揚本院在培育人才方面一直努力不懈,締造理想的工作環境及協助員工發展所長,同時為醫療行業人才的可持續發展作出貢獻。

我們一直實踐IHH醫療集團「關懷﹒至善至遠」(Care. For Good.)的願景。從關懷員工角度出發,港怡推出各項人才管理措施,除了提供多元化的培訓及海外發展機會外,更推行各項職業安全及身心健康計劃;並提倡平等共融的企業文化,讓不同年齡及文化背景人士可以盡展所長。
Gleneagles' column on Sky Post  
Gleneagles' Deputy Director of Peritoneal Malignancy Treatment Centre and Honorary Consultant in General Surgery Dr Jeremy Yip shares with readers the symptoms of a hernia. In another article, Gleneagles' Specialist in Paediatrics Dr Philip Sham debunks some of the common myths of baby nutrition. 

Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):  
🔎Abdominal lump can be caused by a hernia
🔎Debunking baby nutrition myths


腹部凸出腫塊 或患小腸氣
🔎認清嬰兒飲食謬誤 免致營養失衡
Despite the pandemic appears to be winding down recently, Gleneagles is being with you by providing comprehensive COVID-19 related healthcare services to support the community. 

1) Enhanced COVID-19 Outpatient Care Package — inclusive of doctor's consultation and medication
Click here for more details

2) Enhanced Virtual Consultation for COVID-19 — inclusive of doctor's consultation, medication and medication delivery service
🔎Click here for more details

3) Self-paid BioNTech Bivalent Vaccine Boosters — inclusive of doctor's consultation and one vaccine dose 
Click here for more details


1) 加強版新冠門診護理套餐 — 已包括醫生診症及藥物

2) 加強版新冠視像會診服務 — 已包括醫生視像診症、藥物及藥物送遞服務

3) 自費復必泰二價疫苗接種服務 — 已包括醫生診症費及一針注射費
Watch out for middle-aged vision problems
Act now to protect the windows to your soul

As you age, the physical functioning of your body may slowly degenerate, and visual functioning is no exception. Visual degeneration usually begins from middle age, vision problems such as presbyopia, cataract, and glaucoma are common eye diseases, in which presbyopia is the most common problem among all.

Presbyopia is caused by a hardening of the lens of the eye due to aging. When the lens becomes less flexible, it can no longer change shape easily to focus on close-up images. Wearing corrective glasses and resting your eyes regularly would delay the deterioration of presbyopia. Person having chronic diseases such as diabetes, or with ophthalmology history and aged 50 or above should conduct regular vision check-ups to identify possible issues at its onset for early intervention. 

If you are suffering from an eye disease, 🔎read on the following article (*in Chinese only) in which Dr Chan Shun-kit, Honorary Consultant in Ophthalmology at Gleneagles  shares on how to cope with common eye diseases among middle-aged people with a case study.

中年眼疾勿忽視 儘早守護靈魂之窗


Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong

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請與我們同行抗疫,了解本院所採取的相關抗疫措施 - 網站:

Centre for Health Protection  

Provide the latest epidemic information and guidelines in Hong Kong

Website 網站:

Department of Health 衞生署
Release updated government health policy  
 Website 網站:

World Health Organization 世界衞生組織
Provide the latest global epidemic information and guidance  提供全球即時的防疫資訊及指引
Website 網站:
Social media 社交媒體
Contact us 聯絡我們
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong - 1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
港怡醫院香港黃竹坑南風徑 1
Mainline 電話: +852 3153 9000
Service Hotline 服務熱線: +852 2122 1333

Website 網站:
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Copyright © 2023 Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, All rights reserved.

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