Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Video: How to mix with iLoud Precison monitors


Make Better Mixes Everywhere

It starts with iLoud Precision 6 on Audio University's new video tutorial

Wondering why your mixes don't translate well to other systems? Kyle Mathias of Audio University discusses how to solve that problem and what to look for in a pair of studio monitors.

Throughout the video, Kyle points out why his pair of iLoud Precision 6 are a reference for what makes a great monitor, explaining their built-in ARC room calibration and X-MONITOR control software.

You'll learn about frequency response, mono compatibility and mix translation with tips that'll help you make your music sound better everywhere. Have a look.

"For the Precision 6s, it's clear that the engineers who designed them were aiming for a very flat frequency response where each frequency is evenly balanced."

- Audio University

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iLoud PRECISION 5 - Pair
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iLoud PRECISION 6 - Pair
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