Childhood obesity increases the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease In Hong Kong, on average about one in five children is obese and the number has increased significantly during the pandemic. According to a survey by the Department of Health, the overweight rates for primary and secondary school students are 21% and 22% respectively, an increase of two to three percentage compared to pre-pandemic levels. Dr Queenie See, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Hong Kong and specialist in Paediatrics currently working at Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, stated that persistent obesity can have profound impacts on the physical and mental health of the children. Physiologically, obese children have five times higher risks of developing diabetes and two to three times higher risks of having heart disease, hypertension and high cholesterol. Other issues such as gastrointestinal diseases and sleep apnoea are also more common. For girls, obesity may lead to earlier sexual maturation and earlier cessation of height growth, resulting in shorter stature. Psychologically, obesity can lower children's self-confidence and affects their social lives. Childhood weight management is not a solo endeavour, it requires parental role-modelling and support, and even assistance from professionals. Through personalised weight management plans addressing diet, exercise and psychological needs, children can lose weight in a healthy and effective manner. Successful management of obesity at a young age can help reverse the risk of developing metabolic diseases later in life. Parents are advised to face and address their children's obesity issues promptly. 🔎Please click here to read the article (in Chinese only) in which Dr See explains more about the health impact of child obesity and its treatment. 兒童肥胖 增加患上糖尿病及心臟病等慢性疾病風險 在香港,平均約每五名兒童中就有一人屬於肥胖,數字在疫情期間更是大幅上升。根據衞生署的普查發現,小學生和中學生的超重比例分別為21%和22%,升幅較疫情前高兩至三個百分點。 香港大學臨床醫學學院兒童及青少年科學系臨床助理教授、現亦任職於港怡醫院的兒科專科醫生施頴珊表示:「持續肥胖會對兒童的身心健康有著深遠的影響。從生理上來說,肥胖兒童患上糖尿病的風險會增加五倍,患上心臟病、高血壓、高血脂等風險會增加兩至三倍,亦更容易出現其他問題如腸胃疾病、睡眠窒息症等。對於女童來說,肥胖可導致提早發育、較早停止增高,因而有機會令將來身高較矮,同時也會較容易患上卵巢多囊症。從心理層面而言,肥胖可能會降低兒童的自信心及影響其人際關係。」 兒童減重絕非一個人的事,家長需要以身作則支持,亦可以透過專業人士制定個人化的體重管理方案,從飲食、運動及心理方面入手,助兒童健康有效地減重。如果在小童階段成功減肥,可逆轉他們長大後患上新陳代謝疾病的風險。故此呼籲家長正視並及早處理子女肥胖問題。 🔎請 按此閱讀文章,由施頴珊醫生解說兒童肥胖的影響及治療方案。 |
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