Sunday, July 12, 2015

「學與教博覽2015」學校優先登記 Learning & Teaching Expo 2015 Pre-registration is now open








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香港教育城 謹啟


13 July 2015

Dear Principals and Teachers,

Learning & Teaching Expo 2015
Pre-registration is now open

Paradigms of education change post-haste with incessant enhancement of information technology, especially with the extensive advancement of WiFi infrastructure. To keep pace with latest trend of education, school leaders and teachers should uncover innovative approaches and exchange professional insights, with exposures to local and international resources, so as to equip themselves for future challenges.

Being the yearly prime professional conference and exhibition in the Asia Pacific region, Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) has gained widespread support from the education industry and welcomed over 8,000 delegates last year. Entering its sixth year, LTE 2015will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 10-12 December 2015 (Thursday to Saturday), offering a more in-depth and international horizon for learning and teaching.

This year, the 3-day Expo caters education-related exhibitors from over hundreds of countries. Keynote speeches will be delivered by world renowned educators and scholars on hot educational topics, including eLearning, I.T. in Education, 21st Education Development, Curriculum Policy and Leadership, as well as Inclusive Education.

Moreover, a series of school visits will be scheduled, facilitating exchange of inspirations among schools and strengthening their competencies on learning and teaching via lesson observation, teaching demonstration and program sharing.

This year, new features will be introduced including ‘21st Century Classroom’, ‘SEN Theatre’ and ‘Higher Education Zone’, delivering on-site showcase and exploring the latest learning and teaching strategies, effective tools and global development trends on special educational needs (SEN) and higher education.

LTE is a great chance for school leaders and teachers to glean both local and international insights, which enriches their professional development. Pre-registration is now open for schools. Please register here to receive the latest LTEnews and enjoy early bird reservations for the programmes later! For group registration, please enter SCHGREG in the field named ‘Priority Code’ in the online registration form to enable us to process your registration. For group registration of more than 11 participants, please download and complete an excel form here and email to

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Hong Kong Education City at 2624 1000 or email to

Best wishes
Hong Kong Education City

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