Dyson welcomes you to join our consumer event in Cityplaza |
期間限定Dyson體驗之旅將以互動形式展示產品,讓您透過與Dyson專家交流,親自了解Dyson產品背後的頂尖技術和先進工學設計,並如何藉此締造更潔淨的生活環境,提升個人健康。 會場更獨家呈獻多項精彩優惠、互動體驗及頭髮造型舞台活動,不容錯過。 |
Get hands-on with the latest Dyson machines. Hear Dyson Experts explain the research and development that lead to Dyson's revolutionary technology. And join us, for exclusive offers, experience demos and hair show. |
1. 購買時出示此電子報更可額外獲贈頭髮護理旅行組。(價值$110)* | 2. 豐澤iClub/ 易賞錢App 會員,於31/10及1/11 期間,於會場購物滿$500或以上即可獲雙倍i-Coin獎賞^!兌換豐富獎品,體驗品味生活! |
1. Present this e-newsletter upon purchase & receive a complimentary haircare gift (Value $110)* | 2. FORTRESS iClub/ MoneyBack members can earn double i-Coin during 31st Oct and 1st Nov for all the purchases at roadshow^, every $500 = 1 i-Coin! Collect more i-Coins for superior rewards! |
| 智能雷射偵測技術示範 Laser Dust Detection experience demo | | |
| 令隱藏塵垢無所遁形 Making Invisible Visible | Dyson專家為您示範全新Dyson V12 Detect Slim™ 吸塵機如何顯示及清除微塵,以及計算微粒體積和數量,帶來深層清潔的科學實證。 | Watch how the new Dyson V12 Detect Slim™ reveals, removes and counts microscopic dust for more hygienic homes, with laser dust detection & acoustic piezo sensor technologies. | | | |
| 日期 Date:29/10 - 1/11 時間 Time: Every 30mins; 12:00 – 20:00 | | | |
| Dyson美髮科技舞台活動 Dyson Hair Show by Professional Stylist | | |
| 由專業髮型師示範如何使用最新Dyson Supersonic™抗毛躁風嘴,以及全系列頭髮護理產品,輕易塑造理想髮型,同時保持秀髮健康亮麗。 | Watch professional stylist creates festive looks with full range of Dyson haircare products, including the latest Dyson Supersonic™ Flyaway Attachment, and share haircare tips along the way. | | | |
| 日期 Date:30 - 31/10 時間 Time: 30mins; 14:00 & 15:00 | | | |
條款及細則 Terms and Conditions: | *免費贈品只限購買Dyson頭髮護理產品。顧客須出示此電子報方可享用以上優惠。禮品數量有限,每人限送一份,送完即止。 ^會場購物時必須出示豐澤/ 易賞錢App 內之電子會員卡以累積i-Coin。獎賞以單一發票計,折實購買金額每滿$500即獲1個 i-Coin,滿$1,000即獲2個 i-Coin,如此類推。「折實購買金額」指實際須付的交易金額,不包括使用易賞錢積分的價值、禮券或任何折扣優惠的價值。雙倍i-Coin將於活動完結後8星期内加到賬戶内。有關i-Coin 推廣活動的詳細條款及細則,請參閲網站https://www.fortress.com.hk/zt/promotion/i-coin-promotion2021-2022 如有任何爭議,捷成尚品有限公司保留最終決定權。 | *Gifts are only valid upon purchase of Dyson haircare products & presentation of this e-newsletter. Gifts are in limited quantity, each customer is entitled to one gift only, while stock lasts. ^For purchase in roadshow, remember to present the membership QR code in FORTRESS/ MoneyBack App to earn i-Coin. On a single invoice, 1 i-Coin will be awarded for every $500 net purchase amount, 2 i-Coins will be awarded for $1,000 net purchase amount and so on. "Net purchase amount" refers to the actual transaction amount to be paid, excluding the value of any FORTRESS cash coupon used in the transaction, the value of any MoneyBack points used, the gift coupon or any discount value. Extra i-coins will be awarded to the member's account within 8 weeks after the promotion ends. For more information and terms & conditions about i-Coin, please refer to https://www.fortress.com.hk/en/promotion/i-coin-promotion2021-2022 In case of disputes, Jebsen Home Tech Co. Ltd reserves the right for final decision. |
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