Thursday, November 24, 2022

Gleneagles Connect #33

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My Gleneagles SmartHealth app new feature "Vital Signs" has been launched
The new "Vital Signs" feature is now available on the latest version of My Gleneagles SmartHealth mobile app. With a face scan of smart device's camera, six vital signs including heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, stress level, blood pressure and heart rate variability can be measured instantly. A general wellness score will be calculated according to the six vital signs to give users an idea of their overall health conditions. 

Through My Gleneagles SmartHealth mobile app, users are offered with one-stop diversified services, helping them manage their health in a smarter way, easily and efficiently. Registered users can attain all six vital signs results available in the app. If linking the registered account with Gleneagles' patient account, users will be able to enjoy specific features such as carer's management, outpatient health records including prescription and allergy records, images and laboratory results and more
Click to learn more.


港怡「智」健康最新版本應用程式現已推出,讓您體驗全新的「生命體徵」功能,隨時監測您的健康狀況。透過使用智能設備的相機鏡頭掃描面部,即時可測量出 6 項健康數據,包括:心率、血氧飽和度、呼吸頻率、壓力水平、血壓和心率變異度。系統會根據各項生命體徵的數據,計算出您的綜合健康評分,讓您了解自身的健康狀況。

Gleneagles and healthtech start-up PanopticAI signed at the recently held Asia Summit on Global Health a memorandum of understanding to signify the collaboration on promoting the development of innovative digital healthcare solutions. 

The partnership involves the integration of PanopticAI's contactless camera-based health and wellness monitoring solution into My Gleneagles SmartHealth mobile app. The new function will enable users to measure their vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, etc., by simply scanning their faces with the camera of a smartphone.

This innovative health monitoring solution is expected to help raise users' awareness of their health conditions while empowering them to play a more active role in managing their health. 
港怡醫院與初創公司 PanopticAI 於本月早前舉行的亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇簽署合作備忘錄。儀式標誌著港怡與PanopticAI將攜手合作,共同推進數碼醫療創新發展。


Gleneagles has recently embarked on a partnership with Humansa on its flagship Humansa | Victoria Dockside which offers integrated preventive health and wellness services for those who are looking to gain better management and control of their health. 
The centre is supported by a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare practitioners, including the medical team from Gleneagles which provides patients with preventive healthcare advice, health assessments and follow-up services most appropriate to their individual needs and conditions. The partnership is poised to help patients achieve their health goals while creating a new and elevated healthcare experience for them.

港怡醫院最近與Humansa就其旗艦中心 Humansa | Victoria Dockside 展開合作,為尋求更全面健康管理的人士提供綜合預防性醫健服務。

Gleneagles' column on Sky Post  
Gleneagles' Honorary Consultant in General Surgery Dr Lorraine Chow reminds breast cancer patients with implants of the points to note when treatment is needed. In another article, Gleneagles' Honorary Consultant in Orthopaedics & Traumatology Dr Eric Lam shares with readers how minimally invasive lumbar decompression may help patients with disc herniation and spinal stenosis.

Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):  

🔎 Treatment of breast cancer in patients with implants
🔎  Minimally invasive lumbar decompression for disc herniation and spinal stenosis


曾豐胸乳癌患者 慎選手術方案
🔎 微創腰椎減壓手術 有效改善痹痛症
Insufficient warm-up easily causes sprain
Delayed treatment may have serious consequence

Hiking and running are popular recreational activities among Hongkongers during COVID-19. Exercising is beneficial to your health but the importance of warm-up cannot be ignored. Insufficient warm-up will increase the risk of sprain during exercise, even more likely to cause fracture. 

Some patients underestimate the effect that sprain may bring. They may assume that the injury will recover after the swelling and pain subside. However, the golden time for treatment may be missed if patients only seek medical advice when the condition worsens. Delayed treatment may lead to sequelae such as chronic pain, reduced range of movement, unstable joints and proneness to re-injury etc. Warm-up 15 minutes before exercise not only improves subsequent sports performance, but also reduces the risk of sports injuries, and also helps the body to dissipate heat during exercise.

🔎Read on the following article (*in Chinese only) by Dr Chan to learn more about the treatment to relieve sprain and the benefits of doing warm-up before exercising.

熱身不足易扭傷 忽視處理後果嚴重



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