Gleneagles and healthtech start-up PanopticAI signed at the recently held Asia Summit on Global Health a memorandum of understanding to signify the collaboration on promoting the development of innovative digital healthcare solutions. The partnership involves the integration of PanopticAI's contactless camera-based health and wellness monitoring solution into My Gleneagles SmartHealth mobile app. The new function will enable users to measure their vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, etc., by simply scanning their faces with the camera of a smartphone. This innovative health monitoring solution is expected to help raise users' awareness of their health conditions while empowering them to play a more active role in managing their health. 港怡醫院與初創公司 PanopticAI 於本月早前舉行的亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇簽署合作備忘錄。儀式標誌著港怡與PanopticAI將攜手合作,共同推進數碼醫療創新發展。 是次合作包括將PanopticAI研發的無接觸健康檢測技術應用於「港怡智健康」手機應用程式。用戶只需透過手機鏡頭掃描臉部,便可監測心率、血壓、呼吸頻率及血氧飽和度等生命體徵數據以作參考。 透過這項創新的健康監測技術,我們期望可提升市民進行自我健康監察、積極管理健康的意識。 |
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