Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Gleneagles Connect #34

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As a caring healthcare provider, Gleneagles plays an important role in fostering the responsible use and prescription of antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs through public education and partnerships.

Further to the recent launch of the group-wide "IHH Healthcare Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme 2023 - 2025" by our parent group IHH Healthcare, a ceremony has been recently hosted at Gleneagles to mark the beginning of our local programme in helping to reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 



The beautiful landscape gardens on 3rd and 5th floors of Gleneagles have recently won a Merit Award under the category of Large-scale Non-domestic Property Properties in The Best Landscape Award for Private Property Development organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.  
The award promotes environmental sustainability in private property developments through recognising excellent landscape designs and horticultural maintenance. 

位於醫院大樓三樓及五樓的園藝花園,近日獲康樂及文化事務署頒發「2022最佳園林大獎 – 私人物業」的大型非住宅物業組優異獎! 

Gleneagles' column on Sky Post  
Gleneagles' Honorary Consultant in Urology Dr Lam Pei Wayne talks about how regular health checks help improve survival rates of kidney cancer patients. In another article, Gleneagles' Consultant in Radiology Dr Sherwin Lo shares with readers how breast cancer can be detected by the combination of mammography and ultrasound. Meanwhile, our Consultant in Gastroenterology & Hepatology Dr Edwin Lee explains how endoscopic ultrasonography helps with the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterology and hepatology diseases.

Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):  

🔎Kidney cancer at early stages can be cured
🔎Combined screening with mammography and ultrasound in detecting breast cancer

🔎Endoscopic Ultrasonography in detecting digestive diseases

港怡醫院泌尿外科名譽顧問醫生林沛泓醫生分享定期身體檢查有助提高腎癌患者的治癒率;而於另一篇文章中,港怡醫院放射科顧問醫生盧成瑋醫生分享乳房X光造影加上超聲波能有效偵測乳癌。另外,本院的腸胃肝臟科顧問醫生李亭林醫生透過文章講解超聲波內視鏡如何應用於腸胃肝臟疾病的診斷及治療 。

🔎乳房X光造影與超聲波 互補不足助找病灶

Can weather changes trigger eczema in babies and toddlers?
Parents should identify possible allergens at early stage
About 3% to 5% of babies and toddlers in Hong Kong are suffering from eczema. They may have eczema when they have contact with external substances that trigger an overaction from the immune system, resulting in rashes, itching, and inflamed skin.

Topical steroid usage is the fastest and most effective way to control eczema. However, it can only provide temporary relieve. The key remains to be finding the root cause of eczema. For example, if a baby under 6 months suffers from eczema, it may be caused by milk protein allergy; while for babies who start to have eczema after 6 months old, there is a higher possibility that the eczema was caused by external factors. Therefore, parents should work out with doctors to identify the possible allergens from the child's daily routine and diet.

If eczema is affecting your child,🔎read on the following article (*in Chinese only) by Dr Sham to learn more about baby eczema and the prevention advice.




Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong

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Contact us 聯絡我們
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong - 1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
港怡醫院香港黃竹坑南風徑 1
Mainline 電話: +852 3153 9000
Service Hotline 服務熱線: +852 2122 1333

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