Monday, May 29, 2023

Gleneagles Connect #39

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Gleneagles' new column on HK01    
Following the success of Gleneagles' health column in local newspaper Sky Post where our doctors share the latest treatments for different conditions and diseases, our hospital has launched another bi-weekly column on HK01, a leading local digital news platform in Hong Kong, to further enhance people's accessibility to broader health education.  

Contributed by our allied health professionals across various disciplines and Chinese Medicine practitioners, the column features advice on and insights into a broad spectrum of healthcare and wellness topics.  

In the inaugural article of the column, Gleneagles' Chinese Medicine practitioner Choi Wing-fai shared information about treatment of long-COVID. This was followed by another article by our Senior Radiation Therapist Connie Chan who talked about the latest development of radiation therapy. 

Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):
🔎Chinese Medicine treatment of long-COVID 
🔎Development of high-precision radiotherapy 

港怡於晴報刊登的專欄《醫語怡情》由醫生就不同專科的疾病分享最新的醫學資訊及治療方案等,一直大受歡迎。我們最近同步與香港01合作推出另一全新專欄 《醫健怡情》,冀讓大眾接受到更廣泛的健康教育。 



Gleneagles' column on Sky Post  
Gleneagles' Honorary Consultant in Cardiology Dr Chan Pak-hei Michael reminds the public to be cautious about coronary heart disease. In another article, Gleneagles' Director of Peritoneal Malignancy Treatment Centre, Co-Director of Gynaecological Oncology Centre cum Honorary Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology Dr Ng Tong-yow shares information about robotic assisted gynaecological surgery. 

Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):  
🔎Coronary heart disease
🔎Robotic assisted non-invasive surgery in gynaecology 


🔎機械人輔助 無創婦科手術 
Acupuncture in Chinese medicine helps in treating pain 
Pain can affect one's life and emotion. Besides painkillers, any other ways to cope with pain? In 2003, the World Health Organization analysed the scope and efficacy of acupuncture in treating various illnesses, and pointed out that acupuncture has positive effects on treating different types of pain, such as headaches, neck pain, shoulder and arm pain, tennis elbow, low back pain, sciatica, knee osteoarthritis and foot pain, etc.

Acupuncture is a safe treatment with no toxicity. During an acupuncture treatment, patients may feel slight sensations such as soreness, numbness, heaviness, or swelling. By stimulating acupoints along the meridians, acupuncture can adjust the nerves, endocrine, and immune systems, and achieve the effect of preventing and treating diseases.

 🔎Click here to view the article (*in Chinese only) by a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner to learn more about how Chinese medicine acupuncture can help relieve pain and some common acupoints.



3-in-1 "Booster": Experts Talk to Get Your Child Mind, Body and Social Ready Post-Covid!

Young children benefit from stimulating experiences and support to reach developmental and emotional milestones, and learn healthy social skills to cope when they encounter problems. In the upcoming joint talk among Gleneagles, CTF Education Group (CTFEG) and Victoria Playpark, CTFEG's Chief Strategy Officer Jennifer Ma, as an educator and a parent, will sit down with Dr Sham Chak-on Philip, Gleneagles' Specialist in Paediatrics, to discuss what parents can do to protect children's physical and mental health post-COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Richard Wong, Academic Director (Early Childhood) of CTFEG and Academic Advisor of Victoria Educational Organisation (VEO), will also join the talk to discuss various ways of helping children connecting socially.

Please click the button below to register on or before Wednesday, 31 May 2023, for either face-to-face seminar at Victoria Playpark Tsim Sha Tsui (K11 MUSEA) Centre (limited capacity),  OR on Zoom of your choice! You may also submit your question(s) if any, we will select some of them to answer in the Q&A Session.

孩子們幼兒期的身心發展極為重要,在此階段,我們需要透過多元刺激及各種支援活動,以促進孩子的身心健康、個人發展及情緒管理,同時協助他們建立正面的社交技巧以應對未來的挑戰。這次港怡醫院聯同周大福教育集團與 Victoria Playpark 合辦的分享會,由周大福教育集團首席策略官馬賢慧女士主持,她將同時從教育家及家長的角度出發,與港怡醫院兒科專科醫生沈澤安醫生一起探討家長在疫情後如何關顧幼兒的身心健康。同時,周大福教育集團幼兒教育學術總監及維多利亞教育機構學術顧問黃國成博士亦會分享幫助孩子建立良好朋輩關係的方法。

請於2023年5月31日(星期三)或之前透過以下連結登記報名,可選擇親臨 Victoria Playpark 尖沙咀(K11 MUSEA)學前發展中心現場(名額有限,額滿即止)或透過 Zoom 線上形式參與。您亦可提交問題,我們將於分享會解答。
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong

"Help Us Help You" and find out the measures we have taken - website:
請與我們同行抗疫,了解本院所採取的相關抗疫措施 - 網站:

Centre for Health Protection  

Provide the latest epidemic information and guidelines in Hong Kong

Website 網站:

Department of Health 衞生署
Release updated government health policy  
 Website 網站:

World Health Organization 世界衞生組織
Provide the latest global epidemic information and guidance  提供全球即時的防疫資訊及指引
Website 網站:
Social media 社交媒體
Contact us 聯絡我們
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong - 1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
港怡醫院香港黃竹坑南風徑 1
Mainline 電話: +852 3153 9000
Service Hotline 服務熱線: +852 2122 1333

Website 網站:
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