Monday, July 29, 2024

Gleneagles Connect #53

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Media interview – Reducing recurrent rate of head and neck cancer via adopting combined surgery with brachytherapy

Our Co-Directors of Head & Neck Tumour Centre Prof Roger Ngan and Dr Jimmy Chan have recently taken part in the filming of a health programme on HOY TV and shared the advanced protocol of combining surgery with brachytherapy for treating recurrent head and neck cancer. 

🔎Click to view the episode: 19 June 2024 — EP189
本院頭頸腫瘤治療中心聯席總監顏繼昌教授及陳汝威醫生早前協助拍攝HOY TV的健康資訊節目《健康關注組》,分享治療頭頸癌復發的手術結合內電合併療法。

🔎 按此網上重溫:2024年6月19日——第189集
Gleneagles' column on Sky Post    
Gleneagles' Consultant in Rheumatology Dr Yeung Wan-yin Winnie spoke about drug allergy. Another educational piece on knee joint replacement was contributed by Gleneagles' Consultant in Orthopaedics & Traumatology Dr Yip Sin-chuen Paul.

Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):  
Drug allergies can be life-threatening
🔎Fast track recovery approach in knee joint replacement

港怡醫院風濕病科顧問醫生楊韻姸醫生講解藥物過敏;而於另一篇文章中,港怡醫院骨科顧問醫生葉羨川醫生亦透過專欄文章,加深大眾對膝關節置換的認識 。 
Gleneagles' column on HK01    
Our Registered Dietitian shared information on food allergy. This was followed by another article on brachytherapy, contributed by our Senior Radiation Therapist.
Read on for the full articles (in Chinese only):  
Know more about food allergy


Quit smoking now: Shisha poses higher health risks than traditional cigarettes

In recent years, the prevalence of young people using shisha (also known as "waterpipe" or "hookah") has increased. There is a common misconception that shisha is safer than regular cigarettes because the water in shisha can filter out harmful substances. However, the toxic substances, including carbon monoxide, carcinogens and heavy metals produced from the combustion, still gets in the lungs, in which one hour of smoking shisha is equivalent to 100-200 cigarettes. Dr Wan Chi-kin, the Co-Director of the Lung Cancer Centre and Honorary Consultant of Respiratory Medicine at Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, reminds that smoking shisha lasts longer and the volume of smoke inhaled is higher than regular cigarettes, which causes greater harm. The manufacturing process of shisha often involves the addition of various flavouring agents, such as fruit and spice flavours. These flavourings usually contain heavy metals and chemicals which increase potential health risks.

Generally, the risk of lung cancer for smokers is 25 times higher than non-smokers, while the risk is even higher for shisha users. Shisha smokers are also at risk of same kind of diseases as caused by cigarette smoking, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oesophageal cancer and heart diseases. Indeed, shisha is not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes and may pose an even greater health risk. The public is advised to quit the habit of shisha and any kind of smoking. Individuals are recommended to seek professional assistance if needed to reduce health risks.

click here to read the article (in Chinese only) in which Dr Wan explains more about the health impact of shisha use.




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