今天資訊科技發展一日千里,學與教方式不再局限於課堂之內,其中「翻轉課堂Flipped Classroom」的目的就是利用多媒體的資源吸引學生預習,令老師在課堂有更多時間和學生進行議題討論。相對於傳統教學的講課模式,「翻轉課堂」不但促進師生課堂互動溝通,更能培養學生自主學習、提昇學與教效能。
為進一步推廣「翻轉課堂」的教學概念,香港教育城(教城)將於2014年10月25日(星期六)舉辦「翻轉課堂」主題講座暨「EdV獎勵計劃2014-2015」啟動禮,由不同在職教師分享於中文及數學科實行「翻轉課堂」的經驗,讓老師掌握具體的課堂設計及運用網上學習平台整理學生預習的數據。現誠邀 閣下踴躍參與,講座詳情如下:
日期 | 2014年10月25日(星期六) |
時間 | 上午10:00至12:00 |
地點 | 香港新界沙田沙角邨香港教育城(近銀鷗樓)2樓201-202室(地圖) |
語言 | 粵語 |
內容 |
講者:香港真光中學資訊科技科科主任 夏志雄老師 講者:香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學 林振龍老師 講者:拔萃女書院 陳顯俊老師 |
報名方法 | 請登入以下連結報名,成功報名人士將於活動前收到確認電郵。座位有限,先到先得。 |
如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2624 1000或電郵至info@hkedcity.net與教城聯絡。
香港教育城 謹啟
3 October 2014
Dear Principals and Teachers,
With information technology developing rapidly today, learning and teaching no longer happens only in the classroom. When you flip the classroom, students can learn and prepare for lesson through multimedia resources at home, so that they can carry out more in-depth discussion in class. Compared with the traditional teaching model, ‘Flipped Classroom’ not only promotes interactive communication between teachers and students for better learning, but also develops students’ ability to learn independently.
To equip teachers for Flipping Classroom, Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity) is organising Flipped Classroom Seminar cum EdV Award Scheme 2014-2015 Kick-off Ceremony. In-service teachers will share their hands-on experience of flipping classroom in Chinese Language and Mathematics Education, provide practical strategies for lesson planning and recommend some online platforms for assessing students’ performance. You are cordially invited to join the event. Details:
Date | 25 October 2014 (Saturday) |
Time | 10 am - 12 noon |
Venue | Room 201-202, 2/F, Hong Kong Education City, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong (Map) |
Language | Cantonese |
Contents |
Speaker: Mr. HA Chi-Hung, True Light Middle School of Hong Kong Speaker: Mr. LAM Chun-Lung, The Hong Kong Management Association K. S. Lo College Speaker: Mr. CHAN Hin-Chun, Diocesan Girls' School |
Registration | Please click on the link below for registration. Confirmation letter will be issued to successful applicants before the event. Seats are limited. First come, first served. |
To encourage the production of multimedia learning and teaching resources, HKEdCity provides a free, school-based online video sharing platform, EdV with upcoming assessment function to support ‘Flipped Classroom’, and holds the annual EdV Award Scheme, which has received enthusiastic response for the past few years. EdV Award Scheme 2014-2015 Kick-off Ceremony will be held in the same occasion.
Should you have any queries, please contact us on (852) 2624 1000 or email us at info@hkedcity.net.
Best wishes,
Hong Kong Education City
以上訊息由香港教育城發出。如對此訊息內容有任何查詢,請電郵至 info@hkedcity.net 。如選擇不再收取教城資訊,請傳真至2624 1088或電郵至 unsubscribe@hkedcity.net 登記取消。
This email is sent from Hong Kong Education City Limited. For any enquiries, please email to info@hkedcity.net. Should you prefer not to receive any promotional emails from us, please fax your request to 2624 1008 or email to unsubscribe@hkedcity.net.
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