Thursday, February 5, 2015

常識科網上自學計劃快將開始 Online Self-learning Program of General Studies Starts Soon




要培養學生自主學習能力並非朝夕之事,何不通過有趣的多媒體資源和練習,以增強他們的學習動機呢?由香港教育城(教城)主辦、雜誌《兒童的科學》協辦、世界自然基金會香港分會全力支持的「十分科學」第二期快將開始!「十分科學」是一個常識科網上自學平台,旨在幫助學生鞏固常識科及科學科學習內容的知識,進而掌握自學技巧,誠邀 貴校鼓勵學生踴躍參加。



如有任何查詢,請致電 2624 1000 或電郵 info@hkedcity.net與教城聯絡。


香港教育城 謹啟

6 February 2015

Dear Principals & Teachers,

Online Self-learning Program of General Studies Starts Soon

Students’ self-directed learning ability cannot be cultivated overnight, why not through multimedia resources and exercises to stimulate their learning motivation first? The second phase of ‘10-Minute Science 2014-15' will start soon! '10-Minute Science' is an annual learning programme of general studies and science catering for primary students, organised by Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity), supported by Children Science Magazine and WWF-Hong Kong. You are cordially invited to enrol in the Programme in order to motivate your students to explore the world of knowledge.  

The second phase will start from 9 February. Students should complete the online exercises introduced every Monday and Thursday with their HKEdCity’s accounts anytime during the programme period. The exercises focus on the four strands of general studies of primary schools curriculum, including ‘Health and Living’, ‘Science and Technology in Everyday Life’, ‘People and Environment’ and ‘Global Understanding and the Information Era’. Teachers, through our online platform, can understand the learning progress and performance of each student and evaluate their individual learning potentials, so as to adjust and formulate effective teaching strategies to cater for learning diversity.  

The Programme is open to all students from Primary 4 to 6 and offers several rewards, including term award ‘Outstanding Student Award’ together with annual awards ‘Excellent Student Award’, ‘Active Participation Award for Schools’ and ‘Active Participation Award for Students’. Winners will be awarded fabulous prizes. Please click here for more details. Complete our online application form with your HKEdCity’s account for registration now! Those enrolled in the first phase of the program need not register again, as they are already entitled to participate in the second phase.

Registration of ‘Summer Science 2015' is concurrent with that of '10-Minute Science 2014-15' to facilitate the logistics of enrollment for schools to promote learning of general studies and science throughout the year.

The web contents are in Chinese only. Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at 2624 1000 or email us at

Yours faithfully,
Hong Kong Education City  

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