Tuesday, February 3, 2015

齊來參與「樓宇安全週 2015」 Invitation to ‘Building Safety Week 2015’


齊來參與「樓宇安全週 2015」

樓宇安全與大家的生活息息相關,需要我們多加認識和關注。由屋宇署主辦,市區重建局、民政事務總署、香港教育城(教城)全力支持「樓宇安全週2015」,將於3月14日起舉行,教城誠邀 閣下及 貴校學生一同參與,透過各項精彩節目,讓學生了解樓宇安全訊息與日常生活的緊密關係,共建愛護樓宇文化。








  • 樓宇安全嘉年華(14/3)
  • 大型戶外3D立體投射 (14-15/3)
  • 話劇比賽(15/3)
  • 特色創意工作坊(包括: 樂高、絲網T恤印刷及Fotomo立體相浮雕)及講座(包括: 立體投射設計及制作、圖則的解構等)(14-19/3)
  • 樓宇安全展覽(包括: 立體影像模型、「小心貓狗」移動影像、互動擴增實境、實體「劏房」感受、虛擬體驗館等) (14-20/3)


有關詳情及報名,請瀏覽活動網頁。主辦單位為學校提供集體報名及旅遊車接送服務,請於2月20日(星期五)前致電3696 6962向劉小姐報名。

如有任何查詢,歡迎致電3696 6962或電郵至kayi.lau@dt-asia.com與劉小姐聯絡。




4 February 2015

Dear Teachers,

Invitation to ‘Building Safety Week 2015’

Building Safety is closely related to our daily lives with which we should know and understand more. The ‘Building Safety Week 2015’, is being organised by the Buildings Department (BD) and supported by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), Home Affairs Department(HAD) and Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity), will be kicked off on 14 March (Saturday). HKEdCity cordially invites you and your fellow students to join the event, to raise the awareness on building safety and promote a culture of building care through participating in various interactive and interesting programmes. 

One of the highlights is the Simulation House, in which you will experience the danger aroused by the incidents of fire, water leakage and defective drains, thus to draw your awareness regarding the importance of building safety. Details of Building Safety Week are listed as follows:


14 - 20 March 2015 (Saturday to Friday)


The Jockey Club Innovation Tower,  Hong Kong Polytechnic University


  • Building Safety Carnival (14/3)
  • Large Outdoor 3D Mapping Show (14 - 15/3)
  • Drama Competition (15/3)
  • Innovative workshops (e.g. Lego, T-shirt silk screen printing, Fotomo) and seminars (e.g. the design and production of 3D Mapping Show, decoding of a plan) (14 - 19/3)
  • Building Safety Exhibition (e.g. Hologram, “Running dogs and cats” Motion Detection, Interactive Augmented Reality, “Subdivided Flats”, Simulation House)(14 - 20/3)


Please visit their Facebook Page to know more and register for workshops and talks. The organiser shall arrange shuttle bus tour for schools with group registration. Schools interested in joining please contact Ms Lau at 3696 6962 on or before 20 February 2015 (Friday).

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Lau at 3696 6962 or email to kayi.lau@dt-asia.com.

Yours faithfully,

Hong Kong Education City

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