Rebate as High as 65%! "Triple Waves Rewards" Rolling Up This Easter |
悠長假期,當然要安排好豐富的節目,去太古城中心一站式「食買玩」就最好不過!復活節起更推出「獎賞~浪接浪接浪~」三重賞,送你無消費條件現金券、一抽必中獎及至CHILL吹氣梳化,奬賞價值一浪接一浪連環遞增,回贈總額有機會高達65%! | |
A super long weekend deserves a super rewarding shopping spree! Come to Cityplaza to enjoy one-stop dining, shopping and entertainment, plus the enticing "Triple Waves Rewards" programme for gift vouchers, lucky draw chances and a chill inflatable sofa. Enjoy a rebate of up to 65%! |
Happy Half-day Exploring with 5 Hours of Free Parking |
駕車太古城中心消費既安心又放心!到太古城中心食肆消費滿$200,即送你長達5小時免費泊車,等你盡情逛、充飽電! |
Driving to Cityplaza is easy, and parking is a piece of cake! Simply spend $200 at dining outlets inside the mall and get up to 5 hours of free parking. Enjoy a happy, carefree day-out! |
| 復活節假期玩樂浪接浪
Fun Easter To-do List | | |
放假時間就是充電時間,發掘新鮮事物,體驗充實生活! Holidays are a time to recharge with new and exciting experiences! |
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| 重拾久違了的電影院視廳享受,與摯愛親友一同欣賞連場好戲。 | It's been so long! Let's rediscover the thrill of watching movies in cinema with friends and family. | | | |
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| 一邊煮食一邊打卡,與閨蜜家人享受入廚滿足感,人人都是廚神。 | Check in on social media to spread the happiness while creating a culinary masterpiece with someone you love. | | | |
| | 樂高®認證專門店 LEGO Certified Store | | G/F, 012 | | |
| 在小積木中裡重拾童心,與小朋友一起砌出夢想世界,一同發揮無窮想像力。 | Ignite your creativity and imagination with your little ones through the dream world of LEGO. | | | |
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