Wednesday, November 16, 2022

因應「簽賬得FUN」獎賞計劃調整每月積分上限的通知 Notice of amendment to the maximum monthly Gift Points entitlement of the Gift Point Rewards



我們將修訂《「簽賬得FUN」獎賞計劃之一般條款及細則》 (「修訂」),並將於2023年1月1日(「生效日期」)生效。您可於生效日期或之後於中銀香港網頁>「信用卡」> 於「簽賬得FUN」內的相關產品 / 服務頁面點擊查閱有關修訂版本。請見下列有關修訂詳情。

第15條 除特別註明外,合資格銀行賬戶積分累積期最長為1年,每位合資格銀行賬戶之客戶如透過「轉數快」於商戶簽賬及/或作繳費交易,每月可獲享之合資格銀行賬戶積分之上限為10,0001,000分;每位合資格銀行賬戶之客戶透過銀聯網絡作簽賬交易,每月可獲享之合資格銀行賬戶積分則不設上限,有關之交易類別,將根據中銀香港不時界定之商戶或繳費分類全權酌情決定。


閣下如對修訂有任何查詢/回應,請透過中銀香港手機銀行 / 網上銀行「在線客服」或致電 24 小時客戶服務熱線(852)2853 8828。




Dear Customer,

Notice of amendment to the maximum monthly Gift Points entitlement of the Gift Point Rewards Programme

Thank you for choosing the services of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited. Please be informed that the Terms and Conditions of Gift Point Rewards Programme has been amended ("Amendment"). Specifically, the maximum monthly Gift Points entitlement will be reduced. The Amendment will be effective from 1 January 2023 ("Effective Date"). You may also check our bank's website > "Credit Card" > the relevant product or service page of "Gift Point Rewards" to view the revised version of the Terms and Conditions which will contain the Amendment on or after the Effective Date. Details of the Amendment are set out below.

Details of Key Amendment:

Amendment to the Terms and Conditions of the Gift Point Rewards Programme
ItemNewly added / amended content
(additions are underlined and deletions are crossed out)
15 Unless otherwise specified, the maximum retention period for each Reward Gift Point for the Eligible Banking Account is up to 1 year. Each customer of an Eligible Banking Account is entitled to an aggregate maximum of 10,000 1,000 Gift Points per month from purchases at merchant(s) and/or bill payments via the "Faster Payment System". Each customer of an Eligible Banking Account is entitled to Gift Points from purchases at merchant(s) via the UnionPay network with no upper limits each month. BOCHK reserves the right to change the above-mentioned categories and merchants from time to time at its sole discretion.

Please note that if you continue to use the above listed service(s) on or after the Effective Date, the relevant Amendment shall be binding to you. If you do not accept the relevant Amendment, we may not be able to continue to provide the relevant service(s) to you.

Should you have any enquiry/response regarding the Amendment, please contact Online Chat of BOCHK Mobile Banking / Internet Banking or our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline on (852) 2853 8828.

Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and the English versions of this letter, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and BOC Credit Card (International) Limited
14 November 2022

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