誠品書店聯同太古城中心及誠品生活太古店攜手呈獻《來去迺夜市》,將太古城中心二樓中庭及中橋化身充滿台味的夜市,讓大家可與情人朋友「迺」台灣風味排檔,衝文青打卡點,一起稱霸夜市遊戲攤,創造獨一無二的美好夜市回憶! |
Enjoy the leisurely night market stroll of your dreams at "Get Ready for Night Market Fun" at Cityplaza Atrium and Centre Bridge, a new collaboration between Cityplaza, eslite bookstore and the eslite spectrum Tai Koo Store. |
到了!最具標誌性的夜市拱門入口,從遠處就看到它高聳閃亮的身影! You'll see the splendour and dazzle of the night market's iconic entrance arch long before you enter. Now that we've arrived, let's take a photo! | |
在霓虹燈牆找出你最愛的台北標誌,拍張久別重逢的合照吧! Look for your favourite Taipei icon at the neon wall and take a reunion photo! | |
| 在喧鬧的小吃排檔中穿梭,享受夜市的節奏。 Wander through rowdy snack stalls. Enjoy the hustle and bustle of night market. | |
一起來展開撈魚大賽,製造溫馨可愛的回憶吧! Let's see who can catch the biggest fish and create the most wonderful memory! | |
| 小時候最愛玩的彈珠台居然出現在夜市當中?快來跟最愛介紹你的童年威風史! Come try your luck at nostalgic Pinball. Show how good you were at this game! | |
「誠品知味」帶來林林總總你最愛的台灣伴手禮、滋味零食、麵食、冷凍食品及飲品等超過 600 件產品! You can explore over 600 popular Taiwanese souvenirs, snacks, noodles, sauces, and drinks. | |
Limited-time performance and events |
推廣期間有多場文創工作坊及現場音樂表演舉辦;包括:於指定日子邀請街頭音樂人及香港社區藝術家管弦樂團,演出多首耳熟能詳的台灣經典及流行樂曲;與「激鼓樂社 Gekkids」合作,由多位小鼓手帶來富有民族風的敲擊樂表演。熱愛文創的顧客亦可報名參與由誠品書店主辦的霓虹燈或保鮮花藝術工作坊,感受台灣文創生命力。 |
An array of workshops and live performance is taking place during the promotion period, including inviting local buskers and Hong Kong Community Philharmonic Orchestra to perform popular and classic Taiwanese tunes; and collaborating with Gekkids for inspiring drum performances. Visitors could also sign up for workshops like Neon Light art and Flower art workshops. |
A Rewarding Visit to Taiwan |
推廣期內,凡於太古城中心以電子貨幣消費滿指定金額及登記為LIVE+會員,即可換領誠品生活太古店電子禮券及太古城中心電子禮券*。 |
During the promotion period, spend designated amount via electronic payment at Cityplaza and become a LIVE+ member to redeem eslite spectrum Taikoo Store e-voucher and Cityplaza e-voucher*. |
*受條款及細則約束 Terms & conditions apply |
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