Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Special Promotions and Offers in April 🎉🍳🍷

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We know you are busy, so we have all the information you should not miss in one go!
我們為你準備了關於PizzaExpress 不可錯過的最新資訊!
Special offer for you to taste our new menu items! Don't miss out, it's ending on 27 Apr.
Book Now 立即訂座
New Breakfast Items 新早餐菜式

Our breakfast hour has been extended to all outlets (except PizzaExpress Pizzeria) on weekends.
Check out below new breakfast items. Kick off a good morning with good food!
我們的週末早餐供應已經延伸到全線PizzaExpress分店 (PizzaExpress Pizzeria 除外)  我們也在早餐菜單添加了以下菜式,用意式美食來開始美好的一天!
See Menu 查看菜單
Exclusive Offer for PizzaExpress Club Members 會員尊享優惠
Enjoy $50 off upon spending of $688 on still wine*/Sake in a single purchase at Watson's Wine stores

Terms and conditions
Offer only valid at Watson's Wine Hong Kong stores until May 31, 2023. Customer is entitled to $50 off upon spending of $688 on still wine or Sake, a maximum $50 off per customer. To enjoy the offer, customer is required to present the PizzaExpress Club e-Card before settling the payment at store. This offer can only be enjoyed once, no splitting of transactions is allowed. This offer does not apply to purchases of Champagne and spirits, and may not be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. In case of any disputes, the decision of Watson's Wine shall be final.
優惠只適用香港屈臣氏酒窖門市,優惠期至2023年5月31日。顧客於單次交易中購買紅、白酒/清酒滿$688,可享即時$50折扣。顧客必須於門市付款前出示PizzaExpress Club 電子會員卡,方有享以上優惠。以上優惠只可使用一次並只適用於同一交易。優惠不適用於香檳及烈酒,亦不可其他優惠同時使用。如有爭議,屈臣氏酒窖保留最終決定權。
Find A Store 門市地址
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