換上全新形象的APITA超級市場於10月6日全新開幕。逾40,000呎的APITA 超級市場,雲集不同著名亞洲及國際品牌,同時薈萃世界各地的頂級優質食材。精肉部、酒部、多個品牌及專櫃全新進駐,誠邀您一同開啟遊歷環球的饗宴之旅。 |
APITA supermarket is newly launched with a fresh new look on 6th October. Spanning over 40,000 sq. ft., APITA supermarket is a hub of Japanese, Asian and International cuisines and provides top-quality ingredients for all gourmet needs. With the newly introduced meat counter, wine counter, brands and consignment counter, let's embark on a global feast getaway. |
10月13-23日憑APITA任何消費單據並展示此電郵 可到APITA客戶服務台換領EDO pack嫩脆花生(160g)一包。 | |
Present this email with APITA receipt (any spending) to redeem a free EDO pack roasted peanut at APITA Customer Service Counter from 13-23 October. | |
推廣受條款及細則約束,數量有限,送/換完即止。Unicorn Stores (HK) Limited保留最终決定權。 Terms and conditions apply. Limited quantity available while stock lasts. Unicorn Stores (HK) Limited reserves the right to make the final decision. | |
精肉部匯聚超過10個地區的頂級肉類,是香港首間官方認證出售美國認證安格斯牛肉的高級超級市場。 | |
Being the first premium supermarket selling Certified Angus Beef®️ in Hong Kong, top-notch meat from over 10 countries and regions is served in meat counter. | |
酒部有多達1,000款來自世界各地的著名酒品,細心挑選超過300 款清酒和日本酒。 | |
Up to 1,000 wine selections and over 300 choices of hand-picked Japanese wine and sake are available at the Wine & Sake Counter. | |
New brands & consignment counters. | |
10月6日起開幕優惠包括消費滿$200享92折、買滿$250以$5換購1公斤金鳳米、$18滋味福袋等。 | |
Exciting promotions from 6 October include 8% off upon $200 purchase, 1kg rice redemption at $5 upon $250 spending, and $18 lucky bag. | |
日本秋祭活動直送多款日本時令產物,亦有Calbee 購物優惠及Potta公仔見面會。 | |
Japanese Food Fair presents you with Japanese seasonal products, shopping discount from Calbee and Potta mascot meet-and-greet. | |
化身日本卡通文創購物館,帶來SOU·SOU、mofusand、我係小忌廉、七龍珠英雄等期間限定活動。 | |
Featuring SOU‧SOU, Dragon Ball Heroes, mofusand and Creamy Mami as pop-up events. | |
購物淨值每滿指定金額,即可以換購價換領別注版輕鬆小熊旅行精品,絕對是旅行時的必備之物。 | |
Redeem Rilakkuma travel accessories at redemption price upon designated spending at APITA. | |
推廣受條款及細則約束,數量有限,送/換完即止。Unicorn Stores (HK) Limited保留最终決定權。 Terms and conditions apply. Limited quantity available while stock lasts. Unicorn Stores (HK) Limited reserves the right to make the final decision. | |
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