Tuesday, August 27, 2024


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  會 員 編 號 : 50793744

【會員限定】2024新鴻基地產香港單車節 專屬優惠
由即日起至2024年9月2日,會員成功報名參加 「2024新鴻基地產香港單車節」並於指定表格完成登記,經核實後有機會享獲以下獨家禮遇:

1. 7折房價入住帝苑酒店、帝都酒店或帝逸酒店*
2. Go Royal餐飲現金券總值高達港幣150元# ,可於5間「帝」系酒店堂食消費時使用
3. 高達 $150 Point Dollar# 於全港25個新地商場作現金消費



#於登記前成為指定會籍之會員,方可獲享相關禮遇。Go Royal 會員可獲港幣100元餐飲現金券;The Point會員可獲$100 Point Dollar;新地會會員可獲港幣50元Go Royal餐飲現金券及$50 Point Dollar。如會員同時有3個會籍,可享合共總值港幣150元Go Royal餐飲現金券及$150 Point Dollar!

** 按報名參加「2024 新鴻基地產香港單車節」的時間計算,Go Royal 及 The Point 將於2024年9月17日前個別通知合資格得獎者

新地會有限公司感謝會員長期支持,我們不時與會員分享新鴻基地產及新地會的各種最新資訊。如閣下不願意收取新地會的直接促銷材料及/或資訊,可以向我們發出書面通知,郵寄至香港港灣道30號新鴻基中心45樓新地會資料保障主任收、電郵至shkpclub@shkp.com、或傳真至2827 8804,或致電新地會熱線 2828 7878 或請按這裡


Being our valuable member, we thank you for your continuous support and from time to time we will share with you the latest information about SHKP and SHKP Club which might interest you. Should you not wish to receive direct marketing material and/or information from SHKP Club Limited, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying us in writing to the Club's Data Protection Officer at its office situated at 45/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong, by email to shkpclub@shkp.com, by fax at 2827 8804 or call our hotline at 2828 7878 or by clicking here.

Please be assured that even if you have chosen not to receive our direct marketing materials, we shall continue to honour your membership and you will continue to enjoy the benefits conferred accordingly thereunder. You can still learn of our offers on our website or notices at the various venues under the Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited.

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