LIVE HAPPY On Ice Happiness Gliding to Success |
釋放活力LIVE HAPPY!來到太古城中心,你可在冰上皇宮一嘗溜冰體驗,這裡也有不少快樂識放小故事!不如就由冰上皇宮溜冰學校Bobo分享她的快樂體會,齊齊探索冰上運動的樂趣! |
Release the LIVE HAPPY energy! At Cityplaza Ice Palace, where you can try out ice skating, there are joyful stories to be discovered! Let Bobo from Ice Palace Skate School share her own story and explore this fun ice sport! |
「溜冰場是美好回憶的搖籃,讓我見證快樂在身邊盤旋。」 Bobo -太古城中心冰上皇宮 |
"The rink is full of sweet memories, and happiness is all around." Bobo, Cityplaza Ice Palace |
Bobo一向喜歡溜冰場給予人的速度感,還有一種交織夢幻與快樂的喜悅。她表示能見證到學員由零開始,到成功溜冰,是一種無法言喻的快樂:「看著小學員由一竅不通到很自如地玩花式,甚至參加比賽或表演,我覺得自己像他們的媽媽一樣感到欣慰!」 |
Bobo has been fond of ice skating because of the feeling of excitement, fantasy, and happiness it offers. She shared that the joy of seeing students going from beginner to success was beyond words. "It's gratifying to stand by our little students throughout the learning journey, as they start from zero and learn to do beautiful moves freely, even joining competitions and shows. I feel almost like their mother!" she said. |
| 冰上皇宮賞你獨家優惠 Enjoy Exclusive Ice Palace Offer | | |
| 由9月1日至10月31日,凡報讀溜冰學校單堂私人(一人一組)或半私人課程(二人至三人一組),憑此電子報即可享9折優惠*。 | From 1 September till 31 October, present this e-newsletter to enjoy 10% off enrolment in walk-in private (1 person per class) or semi-private classes (2-3 person per class) at Ice Palace Skate School*. | *名額100個,先到先得,額滿即止。 *100 openings available on a first come, first served basis. | | | |
條款及細則 Terms and Conditions: | 1. 每個電子報只限換領溜冰單堂課程優惠一次。 2. 此電子報不可兌換現金或與其他優惠同時使用 3. 在換領優惠前,客人請向本場職員出示此電子報。 4. 課堂班數有限,本場會根據冰面班數及教練時間作安排,先到先得,額滿即止。 5. 鑑於所有運動均帶有一定的危險性,無論是初學者或溜冰好手均有可能因其他溜冰人士的疏忽導致受傷。故此,有意報讀之學生及家長應先行評估上述的風險。太古城中心冰上皇宮及管理層將不承擔任何因課堂導致受傷的責任。 6. 學員請於上課前細心閱讀並遵守本溜冰場的意外免責條款及溜冰安全須知。 7. 太古城中心冰上皇宮將保留任何異議之最終決定權,並可隨時更改任何條款而無須另行通知。
1. Each e-newsletter can only be entitled the skate school walk in lesson offer for once. 2. This e-newsletter cannot be redeemed for cash nor used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. 3. Students must present this e-newsletter to enjoy the offer before payment. 4. This offer is available on a first-come, first-served basis and also subject to the ice surface and time availability of our coaches. 5. Accidents may occur during any recreational activity, and both beginners and high-level skaters are exposed to the risk of injury in the ice rink owing to the miscalculation of other skaters. Interested parties should take this into full consideration before enrolment. The rink operators and Cityplaza management cannot be held responsible for any injuries during lessons. 6. Students and Parents must read and comply with the accident disclaimer and skating safety rules and regulations before the lessons starts. 7. Cityplaza Ice Palace reserves the right of final decision in case of dispute, and the right to change terms and conditions without prior notice. |
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