Dining Ideas for Work at Cityplaza |
在繁忙工作中想有更多食尚好主意?無論你想悠享醒神早餐及咖啡、與客人休閒餐聚,還是下班後與同事小酌一番,太古城中心匯聚多元餐飲選擇,各式滋味靈感總有你所想! |
Looking for some delicious inspiration for your next break from the office? Cityplaza offers a diverse array of dining options for any mood or outing, whether you're stopping for a leisurely breakfast and coffee before you head in, taking a client to lunch or having a drink with the team after work |
| 晨級滋味 Morning Delights | | |
於溜冰場旁邊,邊享用英式早餐、多士及三文治,邊欣賞冰上活動,展開輕快愉悦的一天。 | Enjoy English breakfast beside the ice rink. Start the day right with toast and sandwiches overlooking the exciting activity happening right beside you. | |
| 從咖啡、沙律到英式烘餅,細意品嚐 M&S 自家食材和「公平貿易」的暖心晨級滋味。 | From coffee and salads to English baked goods, a delicious breakfast made with fair trade ingredients will warm your heart. | |
新鮮巧製各式三文治、法式軟包、燕麥片及有機咖啡,是你便捷又健康美味的早餐選擇。 | A healthy and delicious breakfast choice with freshly prepared sandwiches, soft French buns, oatmeal and organic coffee. | |
| 夏宮閣地下 G/F, Hsia Kung Mansion | | 根本地逾20年的手作餅店,用心炮製各款麵包及蛋糕,呈獻真挚又具特色的早餐滋味。 | With a history of more than 20 years in the city, this bakery's handmade breads and cakes offer an authentic local taste for breakfast. | |
| 咖啡小憩 Take a Coffee Break | | |
偏愛酸味較重的Baroque?還是果仁味特出的 Sardana?進入咖啡殿堂,細意品味精品咖啡。 | Fancy a more acidic Baroque? Maybe a nutty Sardana? Savour a wide range of specialty coffee flavours at the Blooms Coffee. | |
| 5/F, MOViE MOViE Cityplaza | | 在電影氛圍與藝術空間下,細嚐手工咖啡和精美輕食,置身繁忙世界中的綠洲。 | This oasis in the midst of a busy world invites you to bask in artistic ambiance and cinematic atmosphere as you indulge in handmade coffee and delicious light food. | |
Pick Coffee by Pokka Café | | G/F, 誠品生活 eslite spectrum | | 從創意洋食到經典定食,特製咖啡到養生特飲,輕鬆找到美味而健康的 best pick。 | From creative Japanese western delicacies and classic local set meals, to specialty coffees and health drinks — it's easy to find something both delicious and healthy here. | | |
| G/F, 誠品生活 eslite spectrum | | 「無添加」料理帶出食材原味,配搭不同咖啡及美食,營造創新風味。 | Additive-free dishes that brings out original flavours of the ingredients and the coffees they're paired with, creating an innovative taste experience. | |
| 饗宴商敘 A Taste of Elegance | | |
連續5年被列入米芝蓮車胎人美食推介,精心巧製柴火烤薄餅、手工意粉、炭烤肉類等經典意大利美食。 | Michelin-recommended for five consecutive years, this restaurant offers classic Italian fare like wood-fired pizza, handmade pasta and charcoal-grilled meat. | |
| 將傳統上海菜式以時尚雅緻風格重新演繹,連續多年獲米芝蓮一星美譽,食物環境均具氣派。 | For its elegant reinterpretations of Shanghainese dishes and magnificent ambiance, this restaurant has been recognized with a Michelin star for several consecutive years. | | |
Ichikawa Japanese Restaurant | | 糅合傳統日本美味及現代創意,以鐵板燒和特色料理,創造不凡的和風美食體驗。 | Traditional Japanese taste meets modern creativity, as teppanyaki and signature dishes create an extraordinary experience of Japanese cuisine. | |
| 香港著名食府,皮脆肉嫩的北京填鴨屢獲殊榮。片鴨及拉麵表演更讓用膳熱鬧非常! | Famous in Hong Kong for the crispy skin and deliciously tender meat of its award-winning Peking duck, this restaurant also puts on a noodles-pulling show in full view of the dining room. | |
| 連環饗樂賞 Multi-course Rewards Combo | | |
凡於太古城中心指定餐飲商戶以電子貨幣消費滿指定金額及登記為LIVE+會員,即可換領高達HK$150電子餐飲禮券*。 | Spend the designated amount via electronic payment at designated Cityplaza dining outlets and become a LIVE+ member to redeem up to HK$150 F&B e-Voucher*.
*受條款及細則約束 Terms & conditions apply | | | |
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