Find Your Inner Fashionista |
即使潮流交替,穿得舒適自在、展現自我乃是不變的時尚之道。就由人氣衣飾穿搭,塑造專屬於你的品味個性。 |
Trends change, but dressing for comfort and self-expression is always fashionable. Explore the season's latest styles and accessories to create a look that reflects who you are. |
| 探索專屬時尚穿搭 Explore the Art of Mix-and-Match | | |
太古城中心匯聚來自世界各地的時尚品牌,由當季潮流時裝,以至別具品味的鞋履配飾,各種時尚之選給你無限穿搭靈感。 | |
Cityplaza offers fashion brands from around the world. Discover seasonal styles, footwear, and accessories that promise boundless inspiration for your outfits. | |
| 2/F, 264A | | |
| Polo Ralph Lauren 女裝系列糅合美式生活風尚與不拘一格的都會魅力,優雅、簡約與休閒戶外服飾兼備,拼湊出不一樣的時尚女性風範。 The Polo Ralph Lauren women's collection seamlessly blends American lifestyle with urban charm, effortlessly capturing elegance, simplicity, and casual outdoor attire to create a distinct and fashionable female style. | |
| G/F, 035 | | | |
| O.N.S | kapok 融合兩大品牌概念,來自紐約的O.N.S提供簡約風的男女時裝,而kapok則搜羅世界各地的生活精品,讓時尚品味融入生活。 O.N.S | kapok combines two major brand concepts: New York's O.N.S provides simple men's and women's fashion, while kapok collects lifestyle products from all over the world to integrate fashion into life. | |
| 2/F, 291 | | |
| 來自法國的Clémence以突破傳統的時裝哲學,設計出多元化的服飾和時尚單品,盡顯女性活力與自信的魅力。 Clémence from France breaks through traditional fashion philosophies with diverse clothing and fashion items that fully showcase the charm, vitality, and confidence of women. | |
| 2/F, 264B | | | |
| LeSportsac 是第一個採用降落傘尼龍物料的品牌,以融合潮流風格、強調功能性與輕巧的設計,帶來集輕便與多功能於一身的流行手袋。 The pioneer behind parachute nylon in fashion, LeSportsac integrates trendy styles, functionality, and lightweight design to create popular, multi-functional handbags. | |
| 締造時尚女性造型 Flawlessly Feminine | | |
從美式休閒風格、北歐個性色彩、法式優雅風情到日系美學,不妨嘗試不同的造型風格,令你的工作或休閒造型更添個性。 | |
From American casual and Nordic colours to French elegance and Japanese aesthetics, add an international touch to your work or leisure look. | |
| 2/F, 290 | | |
| | 2/F, 258 | | |
| 2/F, 280 | | |
| | 2/F, 239 | | |
| 展現型格男士魅力 Charmingly Masculine | | |
不論是日常上班衣著,或是輕鬆休閒服飾,都可以呈現出你專屬的時尚品味,讓你時刻展現型酷男士魅力。 | |
Whether in workwear or casual attire, your daily look is a display of your unique fashion sense, a way to showcase your masculine style. | |
| 2/F, 287 | | |
| | G/F, 052 | | |
| 2/F, 293 | | |
| | 3/F, 303 | | |
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