Sunday, November 16, 2014

業界交流促進專業發展 Peer-led Professional Development



教育模式不斷改變,教師可藉業界同儕的分享和經驗,汲取新資訊新理念,以提升教學質素及學生學習效能。歡迎 閣下參與以下活動及瀏覽網上資源裝備自己,同時累積持續專業發展時數(CPD)。

1. 學與教博覽2014


  • 超過60場的專題演講、研討會、工作坊及論壇、16場學校參觀活動及愈200名參展商, 內容涵蓋各項熱門教育議題,包括電子學習、促進學習的評估、未來的學習環境、跨學科學習方案及融合教育等
  • 多位國際及本地知名學者出任演講嘉賓,當中包括教育局局長吳克儉先生SBS, JP、新加坡教育部陳麗萍女士、來自美國的哈佛大學Chris Dede教授、來自中國的華南師範大學李克東教授、本港的香港中文大學彭新強教授、香港教育學院麥翰林教授及何福全教授、香港大學錢大康教授、袁海球教授及朱啟華教授等

2. 2014行政長官卓越教學獎教學薈萃



3. 教師電視


如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2624 1000或電郵至info@hkedcity.net與教城聯絡。


香港教育城 謹啟

17 November 2014

Dear Principals and Teachers,

Peer-led Professional Development

Education is ever changing, and it’s always good to explore, learn and gain valuable information and insight from the sharing and experience of educational professionals to enhance teaching and learning efficiency. Join the following events / Use these resources for your professional development while accumulating CPD hours at the same time.

1. Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) 2014

LTE ( is an annual premier educational event in the Asian-Pacific region aiming to establish a platform for teaching professionals around the region to source and share good practices and industry knowledge. Entering its fifth year, LTE takes place from 11th to 13th December 2014 at HKCEC with the theme of ‘Welcome to the Future of Learning’.

  • Over 60 keynote presentations, seminars, workshops and forums, 16 sessions of school visits  and over 200 exhibitors will highlight the educational topics of the development of eLearning, assessment for learning, future learning environments, cross-curricular learning solutions and inclusive education
  • Presentations by keynote and honourable speakers including Mr. Ng Hak Kim Eddie, SBS, JP of Education Bureau, HKSAR, Ms. Chan Lai Peng of Ministry of Education Singapore, Prof. Chris Dede of Harvard University, Prof. Li Kedong of SCNU, Prof. Nicholas Pang of CUHK, Prof. Dennis Mclnerney and Prof. Ho Fuk Chuen of HKIEd, Prof. Roland Chin, Prof. Allan Yuen and Prof. Samuel Chu of HKU, etc


2. Showcase of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) 2014

The showcase comprises 25 sharing sessions and a plenary forum which provides a good opportunity for teachers to learn more about the awarded teaching practices identified in CEATE (2013/2014). It is a platform where the teachers of ‘Curriculum Leadership’, ‘Liberal Studies’, ‘Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area’ and ‘Physical Education Key Learning Area’ can establish networks among themselves and explore further collegial collaboration.

Date: 29 November 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 9 am – 3:15 pm
Venue: Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong

3. Teacher TV

Teacher TV features videos from previous LTE and CEATE talks and sharing including awarded teaching practices and showcases, as well as a series of TV programmes produced by the Education Bureau and RTHK demonstrating innovative ways to motivate students to learning. Enjoy these videos now on Teacher TV with your PC, tablet or smart phone.

Should you have any queries, please contact us on (852) 2624 1000 or email us at

Best wishes,

Hong Kong Education City

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