Wednesday, May 6, 2015

72 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

72 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

7 May 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 02:33 AM PST

Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 7 May 1943

18 people, the main body of those living at the French Hospital, are sent into Stanley today, arriving  at 2 p. m. They are assigned to Bungalow D. (R. E. Jones records 5 more arriving on May 19 - these might have included those held for questioning - see below).

The new arrivals include Hilda Selwyn-Clarke and her daughter Mary. They move into D6, a tiny amah's room, with their friend Margaret Watson, who's been in Stanley from the start (it was Watson who was Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke's main informant as to the needs of the Camp in its early period).

Thomas and Evelina Edgar are in Room D1. Thomas is able to take advantage of a scheme described by George Gerrard and immediately sends home a letter pre-dated to April 30 announcing his arrival in Camp - internees who do this will be allowed to send home another card at the end of May. It is the first time his parents, brothers and sisters have heard directly from him since the start of the war, as none of his previous cards arrived.


Another couple who take advantage of the pre-dating scheme is Mr. and Mrs. E. Gelling, who write to their daughter in Barrow-on-Furness:

Daddy is secretary in the Camp Hospital,  is also a keen gardener, studying Chinese language and now has joined a mixed choir. I spend my time cooking, mending and doing other chores in the room where Camerons and two friends live. We keep fairly well but weights could be improved.

Mrs. Cameron passed away in March, after an operation. It was a terrific shock. Moira is well looked after by her Auntie and Daddy.

Love to all, Dearest love to you.



Of  course, 'gardener' has a special meanng in Stanley Camp.


Gerrard describes the 'misdating' plan, which enables another letter to be sent out in late May, towards the end of his weekly 'retrospective' entry on May 8, which probably means it began to be put into effect May 6/7/8.


Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke, Footprints, 1975, 73, 92

Imperial War Museum, Private Papers Mrs. E. Gelling, Documents 9610

Who Came In Today?

Ten names (marked *) are provided by an internee diary; the same diary lists those who came in on May 19 (see that day's entry). I've added the names of those recorded by the British Army Aid Group as living at the French Hospital in late 1942 and not recorded by any BAAG source as being arrested in May 1943 or as coming in later. The fact that some names on the diary list (Nicholson, Mackie and Angus) are of people recorded as arrested by the BAAG means that the reports of arrest were probably wrong - R. E. Jones records on May 5 that 18 people from the French Hospital are coming to Bungalow 'D', so, if he was taken in, the decision to release them must have come very quickly indeed.

Arthur May tells us he was sent to Ma-Tau-Wai Camp with two health inspectors, However, three inspectors are mentioned by MacNider, J. G. Hooper, is listed as being in Stanley by Greg Leck (Captives of Empire) and the Foxes are recorded by Philip Cracknell as sharing D1 with the Edgars, so the 'Sanitation Department' group listed as uninterned in late 1942 by the BAAG almost certainly all came in today.

Most of these people went to live in Bungalow 'D'; I've recorded the room number where I know it (thanks to Philip Cracknell.)


Hilda Selwyn-Clarke* (D6)

Mary Selwyn-Clarke (D6)

Thomas Edgar (D1)

Evelina Edgar (D1)

John Hammond (D7)

Serge Peacock (D9)

John Fox (D1)

Barbara Fox (D1)

J. G. Hooper

E. C. Kerrison*

F. W. Warburton*

Leslie Macey(D3)

Dr. J. B. Mackie*

Molly Churn* (later Mrs. Mackie)

Dr. Philip Court*

Dr. Murdo Nicolson*

Dr. Graham-Cumming*

F. D. Angus*

7 May 1943, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Posted: 20 Apr 2013 05:50 AM PDT

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 7 May 1943


People from French Hosp arrived 2 PM.

Drs Selwyn-Clark & Burgie/Bungie [?] detained in town in connection with money swindle?


Boxing pm.


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